
Would you like to become a member of our club? On this page you can find all the information you need. Note that you need to refresh your membership every academic year! The membership fee is collected during the academic year, you will be notified of when this will happen two weeks in advance.

Student Sports Centre Eindhoven

Panache is a subassociation of the Student Sports Centre Eindhoven. Therefore first of all you will need a valid sports card of the Student Sports Centre. You can request for a sports card at the reception of the Student Sports Centre or online on their website. For more information about the sports card, please check the website of the Student Sport Centre Eindhoven. Students that are not studying in Eindhoven are also eligible for a sports card!

Membership forms

To become a member, you have to fill in the registration form.  The form for 2024/2025 can be found here.

If you prefer to pay by cash, please request a physical registration form from the board.

Types of membership

Within Panache we have three kinds of membership: competition player, recreant and contributor. These have different characteristics. For instance, You can only become a competition player at the beginning of the year, recreant only at the first half of the year and donator throughout whole the year. All types of memberships give access to the training and activities! Contact the board and we send you the forms digitally.

Competition player (55 Euros)

As competition player you join the regional/national competition. At the beginning of the season the competition teams of Panache are composed. You will be classified in a team according to your playing level which allows you to have worthy opponents during the competition and you will play exciting matches. These matches mostly take place in the weekends, but sometimes also on the Friday evenings. Besides, you can join the competition trainings on Monday and the advanced trainings on Thursday. This way you can maintain your badminton level and improve it.

Recreant (40 Euros)

As recreant you can join the competition teams as substitute. This means you are not a fixed team member.

Contributor (25 Euros)

As contributor you can join the advanced/beginners training at Monday and Thursday, depending on your badminton level. Here you can improve your badminton skills and make sure you get undefeatable on the court. Don’t be mistaken, badminton trainings are intensive and guarantee for a good exercise for your body.