For our trainings, we have two high-valued trainers: Eli Mambwe and Ana Passaporte. Panache offers four(!) hours of training in which we make a distinction between open and competition training. During the competition training hours, our competition players get priority. However, when there is space left everybody can join. The division of the training hours can be seen below:
Monday Hall 1
- 20:45 – 21:45 open training
- 21:45 – 22:45 competition training
- 22:45 – 23:30 free play for all
Thursday Hall 1
- 20:30 – 21:30 competition training
- 21:30 – 22:30 open training
- 22:30 – 23:30 free play for all
The open training will focus on the basics of the badminton sport. Have you never played or played on the camping and want to become a more advanced badminton player? Then this training can help you to start with the basics of badminton. All members of Panache can join these training hours. Non-members are allowed to play along two times for free to see if they like it. However, you still need a valid sports card from the SSCE!
Our trainers likes punctuality and appreciate it if players are on time as well. If you are too late, we cannot guarantee that you can join the training, since training hours can get full. You need to discuss it with the trainer if you are late but still like to join the training.
Free playing
During training hours, the whole hall is in principle dedicated for training purposes. However, when there are courts available (how many, will become clear at the start of the training) anyone can free-play on these courts following the normal rules with our rotation board.