Information: Joining Tournaments

We from Panache like to play badminton matches, and moreover, we also like to put our skills to the test every now and then. That is precisely the reason why we like to join competitions and tournaments! In order to join tournaments here in the Netherlands, you are required to have a so-called "Badminton Nederland number" (BN-number for short). There are a few tournaments for which you don't need a BN-number, such as the Panache Tournament and the Stuban tournament. This BN-number can only be obtained through Panache. A BN-number costs around €15,- per year. Upon filling in the membership form for Panache, you have the option to choose between Competition (€55,-), Recreant (€40,-), and Contributor (€25,-). Competition and Recreant members get a BN-number, Contributors do not. Hence if you subscribed…
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Competition teams

The competition has been well on its way for a few weeks now and our competition teams are doing good. These are the current standings: For more detailed match results and so forth you can visit the following website:
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Trying out a training

New students are more than welcome to give our training a tryout to see if our association is something for you. You can join our playing evening two times for free before we ask you to become a member. Note: even for a tryout, you are required to have an active sports card at the Student Sports Center (SSC). If that is not the case, and you are a TU/e or Fontys student, you can log in at the website of the SSC and find a 1-day free tryout card: Otherwise a 1-day tryout card costs €7,50, or you can also come for a tryout during the Open Sports Week which will take place later this year. Our playing evenings are on Monday and Thursday, in hall 1 of…
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